Off shoulders dress


05 August 2014

off shoulders dress beeswonderland

off shoulders dress beeswonderland
off shoulders dress beeswonderland
off shoulders dress beeswonderland
off shoulders dress beeswonderland
H&M TREND shoes (in stores this week)  /  SHEINSIDE off shoulders dress  /  DANIEL WELLINGTON watch  /  H&M panama hat  /  

You can tell by my clothes that I'm still obsessing over vacation and counting the days until I land on some tropical island. Or am I only dreaming?:-)
Speaking of dreams, Daniel Wellington is having a 15% off for my readers with discount code "SUN-BEES" and it's available until 20th August, so hurry up!
The dancing outfit video is on YouTube, don't miss it.
Have a great day, lovelies!

Mozete primjetiti po outfitima da jos uvijek zudim za odmorom i brojim dane kad cu sletjeti na neki tropski otok. Ili samo sanjam?
Kad smo vec kod snova, Daniel Wellington nudi 15% popusta mojim citateljima uz kod "SUN-BEES" i vrijedi do 20.augusta, pozurite!
Plesni outfit video je na YouTube, ne smijete propustiti.
Ugodan dan, lutke!