Links I love


16 October 2014

1. Dulce Candy - The first YouTube beauty guru I started following years ago and still on top of my list.
2. Because I'm Addicted - Recipes, DIYs, great articles,... all in one place!
4. Laura In The Kitchen - She's charming just as much as she's creative in kitchen
5. Plus size model in fashion - Girl power!
6. Lena Dunham book - If you're obsessed with TV show Girls and Lena Dunham, you need to read her crazy book
7. Emma Watson at the HeforShe Campaign - I watched the video few times and still can't get enough of it
8. Couple kissing all around the world - Too cute not to share
9. How to pronounce designer names - Homework, ladies
10. Top 8 Streetstyle Trends - Spring 2015 - O-o! Where's my piggy bank??


  1. I love watching Dulce Candy videos too.

  2. Thank you for sharing all those links! it seems like my evening is going to be interesting ;)

  3. Emma Watson is the best!

    xoxo, ♥

  4. Love Emma Watson ! And I am really thinking about reading Lena's book, what did you think about it? xox

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