Shoe freak


28 June 2011

Bag-New Yorker;Shirt-H&M;Shoes-Borovo;Necklace-Ringeraja

I don't know if I should start talking about my new shoes,cause it will be a looong story:)
The shoes are by Borovo,Croatian brand well known in my part of Europe.They're called Borosane.A lot of you have the same memory about Borosane and it's probably about your teacher from kindergarten or cleaning woman from school:) Well you see,Borosane had total make over and they're fancy now;) They're designed in a lot of models and colors,but sad thing about everything is that you can get them only in Croatian stores!I was wishing my first pair for 2 years (I was boring everybody on my FB fan page) and every time I was in Croatia I had a lot of problems and never got them-the stores were closed,they didn't have it in my size,etc.But...lucky me I have my gorgeous friend Mia who got them for me this weekend.Can you imagine how happy I am?
The beautiful Mickey Mouse necklace is by Ringeraja,I talked about them earlier.Did you check their site?


  1. Ovo mi je super, čak mi se i borosane uklapaju fino :D Ringeraja ogrlica je mrak <3

  2. cool boje

  3. loveeeee them!!!! theyre so great! and i love the colors of your outfit. lookin good! :)


  4. The colors of your outfit are very cute, I liked. xoxo

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. hahaha pa ove borosane su hit! :)))

  7. joooj ovo mi se nimalo ne svidja :(
    cipele su mi grozomorne :-D ali to je individualni ukus. Ono sto mi se ne svidja jest sto inzistiras na cestom nosenju gleznjaca koje ti skrate nogu na najgorem mogucem mjestu. Gleznjace cu mi vise za cure koje imaju tanji list i tanji glezanj uz to :)) Puno ti ljepse stoje otvorenije cipelice koje ti izduze nogu ;)
    I cini mi se kao da su hlacice malo prevelike... Torba mi se isto ne svidja, toliko plasticno izgleda da ju ni dobar oblik i boja ne spasavaju...

    NHF pokusala sam biti konstruktivna ;)

  8. Your blog is beautiful, your style is beautiful, lovely:D



  9. riiiingeraja i borosane tako dobro rade... :) znachi odmah idem i ZG da nabavim jedne borosanice! :***
