Places to visit-Pure Living Bakery


21 May 2011

I just can't wait for you to see the pics of the most gorgeous coffee shop I've visited! It's called Pure Living Bakery and it's coffee house with a shop. The lady that owns a shop had the idea in her head for years, and after a lot of trips to USA where she collected all kinds of seats,tables,...she opened it in Vienna. At first, the cafe had only 4 seats (!!!), then 12, and last spring they opened their cottage garden. The menu is totally different than in other cafes in Vienna, for example they don't serve sachertorte. Instead, they're making their own muffins, waffles, bagels, cinnamon rolls,...Ohh! The atmosphere is relaxed, staff is kind and they really made me feel like at home. 
So, when you visit Vienna,this is the place to go to!

Pure Living Bakery
Altgasse 12
1130 Vienna

They're also selling everything you see (pricey I must say) 

And this is what I ordered (not all of it of course, only left tray:-))



  1. Uh kolačići izgledaju baš ukusno! :) njami!

  2. Looks so nice, pity I didn't know it last week when I was in Vienna and when we were looking for a cafe with me friend. So next time!:)

  3. ovo izgleda super, osjećao bi se kao kod kuće još i bolje. mogu misliti kakve su kafe :)

  4. Bas je lepo, nekako prijatno i opustajuce :) Nepretenciozno :D kao kod kuce :)))
    Inace, super su ti outfit postovi, posebno onaj sa tufnicama ;) Nije mi bilo jasno kako mi ne izlaze u onom delu "Blogs I'm following" a onda sam videla da sam zaboravila da kliknem na follow :/ idiot!
    Ali ispravljeno xD

  5. ovo je fantastično

  6. slatko malo mesto :) na listi za sl.put u Beču :) Takvi kafići jednostavno imaju dušu, uvek ću radije sesti tamonego u starbaks :)

  7. Fantasticno! Ludo, kreativno, prelepo!

  8. Koliko samo ja volim Bec zbog ovakvih stvari... ma zbog svega!
