Spring 2014 Trend - Slip On Sneakers


26 January 2014

slip on sneakers

They're eeeeverywhere! And I say "Hallelujah!"!
Finally a trend that brings us not only cool look, but comfiness! I mean, comfiness with a capital C.
Can you feel how excited I am about them? I'm constantly on a hunt for a "one more, I swear" pair, so here are my picks for you to spoil yourselves, too!
Go, gooo!

Svuda suuuu! I ja kazem "Aleluja!"!
Napokon trend koji ne samo da ce nam donijeti cool izgled, nego i udobnost. Mislim, udobnost sa velikim U.
Osjetite koliko sam uzbudjena?
Naravno da sam konstantno u potrazi za "jos samo ove, casna rijec!" parom, pa zelim da svoju wishlistu podijelim i svama.
Trk, trk u shopping!

Click on the pictures for more!


  1. Prije nekoliko godina sam nosila ove karirane crno bijele, ali drago mi je da su opet aktuelne. Mozda nabavim jedne za proljece! x

  2. I love them so much and o don't have not even one pair! That's horrible! I am glad that You linked some so i can check and buy them xX


  3. love them! lately i simply can't get enough of them too - they are both casual and stylish, and you can walk in them comfortably!

    Check out my latest post featuring Panther Sweater from Breaking Rocks :)
    AL xx
    RASSP blog

  4. Crno bele, a la dalmatina. Su predobre !;)


  5. Love it! :D

    xx MJ

  6. Fashion and comfy are definitely 1 great combination =)

  7. Like sneakers, they are comfortable to wear.
