Fall Winter 2013 / 2014 - Over The Knee Boots


06 October 2013

One more trend everyone's buzzing about - over the knee boots. Or thigh high boots. For long legged babes knee high boots, 
but oh problems, right? ;-)
I already "jumped on a bandwagon" and got me a pair (or two,oh my!) which I can't wait to wear 'till they fall apart from my legs.
Here are some great options I've chosen for you, hope you'll find something and spice up your life. The boots do that, trust me!;-)

Jos jedan trends o kojem svi pricaju - cizme preko koljena. Ili cizme do pola bedra. Za dugonoge ljepotice cizme na koljena, 
oh ti njihovi problemi, zar ne? ;-)
I ja sam se pridruzila timu i nabavila sebi par (ili dva, oh Boze!) koje jedva cekam da navucem i nosim dok se ne raspadnu i 
same skliznu:-)
Nasla sam neke opcije i za vas, nadam se da cete naci nesto da vam se svidja i zaciniti svoj zivot, jer vjerujte mi, ove cizme 
imaju tu moc! ;-)

Click on the pictures for more information. 


  1. Preodlicne. Ovo mi je prva asocijacija.


  2. already have one but ... lets be honest - ones are not enough :-D


  3. Na, dann kann ich meine Overnee-Boots ja auch wieder herauskramen ;)

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


  4. Oh, I'm dying to get a pair like these, so comfy, warm and stylisH <3

  5. I'm already thinking about getting a pair for myself =)

  6. Thigh high and over the knee boots are my favorites shoes in all seasons ! I love to wear suede style with a mini skirt or a hot pants , the perfect boot for chic moods ! ♥
